by Jack Martin | Aug 26, 2023 | 2023 Archived review, 2023 Review, Film Review
Vacation Friends 2 is an awful comedy sequel that contains no laughs, no heart, no charm (even from its main cast, who can’t replicate their easy chemistry from the previous film), and no reason for it to exist other than to give its filmmakers an excuse to go on a luxurious holiday while putting zero effort into making a product with substance.
by Jack Martin | Aug 21, 2023 | 2023 Archived Preview, 2023 Preview, Film Preview
Going into this Bank Holiday weekend, you can expect plenty of rich new movie options to choose from, whether it’s a hilarious satire of horror movie tropes, or some popular Sundance audience favourites, or even a classic Disney fairy tale… Movie of the Week The...
by Jack Martin | Aug 14, 2023 | 2023 Archived Preview, 2023 Preview, Film Preview
The month of August continues with yet another wild week at the movies, from the big screen debut of an under-the-radar DC hero, to a pack of foul-mouthed dogs, to an Al Pacino classic…