We’re at the point of no return, people. Let’s find out what five films were deepest into the dung heap this year… 5 - BLACKLIGHT While Liam Neeson is often a reliable action lead, not even he could do anything to lift up this absolute stinking corpse of a political...
WORST OF 2022: #10-6
Our Bottom 10 for this year starts off with an appropriately wooden entry… 10 – PINOCCHIO 2022 saw a surprising number of movies based on the classic Carlo Collodi fairy tale come out, but by far the worst one was Disney’s flat and soulless live-action take on its own...
WORST OF 2022: #15-11
So, we’ve made it through another year. Go ahead and pat yourselves on the back because you’ve earned it, especially after these pretty difficult twelve months. The Russia-Ukraine war, the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the cost-of-living and energy crises, the Roe v....
WORST OF 2021: #5-1
We’re finally into our bottom five – let’s just get this over with… 5 – INFINITE As bad as Thunder Force is, it’s exactly what you’d expect from a Melissa McCarthy-Ben Falcone movie. However, Infinite ends up ranking lower than even that on this list, for it is...
WORST OF 2021: #10-6
We’ve now reached our Bottom 10, and we’re starting off with… 10 – THE ADDAMS FAMILY 2 Although the 2019 animated reboot of Charles Addams’ iconic creepy, kooky et al family wasn’t an especially great movie, it at least felt like a movie. Not so much its rushed,...
WORST OF 2021: #15-11
So, 2021 is almost over, and while it’s not been quite as bad as 2020, it’s still been a tough ol’ time for the movies. Plunging straight back into lockdown within the first few days of January was bad enough, but the agonising wait until the re-opening of cinemas in...
WORST OF 2020: #5-1
In a year of atrocities, these five movies made 2020 all the more unbearable… 5 – THE WRONG MISSY Poor David Spade… and I really do mean that. Here was a comically gifted SNL veteran who, when he wanted to, could pull off a charming and funny turn every once in a...
WORST OF 2020: #10-6
Time to reveal our Top (or Bottom, in this case) 10, starting with… 10 – THE RHYTHM SECTION James Bond’s next outing may have been pushed back into next year, but they made damn sure that we got this dull 007 wannabe out before everything went pear-shaped. Coming from...
WORST OF 2020: #15-11
So… 2020. What else is there to say about it that hasn’t already been said? It goes without saying that this has been an extremely difficult year for all of us, with much of it dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic which has forced the country into a new set of...
It’s the final day of the 2010s, and since it’s a special occasion we’re going to take one last look at the decade’s best films (according to us, anyway). For the last ten years, we have had ten #1s in both our best and worst lists, but which ones out of them hold up...